Integrated analysis (of full-Country)help

  • ① The last seven year’s PCT Publication Source (US, CN, JP, KR Countries, gradually expanded) are used. And It offers a full transaction data of a particular office.(Those who use this for the first time should refer to the above ? )
  • ② Since this can check the balance of incoming and outgoing, It is referred to the Balancing-Table (B / T).

Balancing Table [ IP-firm name (Country)]

Real-time, list of request
Trade country Client Number of incoming Number of Outgoing Exchange rate
Real-time, list of request
USA Kongski Kim 10 0 1000
CN Carolina 1 0 100
KR Kongski Kim 1 0 100
JP Show Ahn 8 0 800
Sub total 20 0 2000
USA Kongski Kim 10 0 1000
CN Carolina 1 0 100
KR Kongski Kim 1 0 100
JP Show Ahn 8 0 800
JP Sub total 20 0 2000
USA Kongski Kim 10 0 1000
CN Carolina 1 0 100
KR Kongski Kim 1 0 100
JP Show Ahn 8 0 800
CN Sub total 20 0 2000
Total 20 0 2000

Analysis of list [ IP-firm name (Country) ]


