Join Membership

  • ① Membership is free of charge (until the decision of fee policy), and all agents (IP-Firm) and applicants can join.
  • ② After receiving authentication E-mail from IOU, you can log in.
  • ③ Selecting procedure : ▶ Acceptance of Terms ▶ Information input ▶ Secret question

1. Acceptance of terms

2. Member information input

Member information input
Select Member Type

Email ID Enter your e-mail account to use when you log in.
Password Letters, numbers, and special characters (@ #! $) Mixed (within 8-12 characters)
Country Name (63 Countries) Choose your country.
Personal E-mail Enter your personal e-mail.
IP-Firm Name Select your IP-Firm's name, If not, please register.
Homepage Enter your IP-Firm's homepage.
Homepage promotion

Automatically listed in the IOU’s Member PR.

3. Secret Questions

Why use Secret Questions?

If you forget your password or user account, secret question will help you to login.

Secret Questions
Question *

Answer *